
I started at Eversfield in Form 4 . I enjoy sports like cricket and football and we play sports matches against lots of other schools. I enjoy lessons like history and computing. I play piano with Mr Poultney and like learning about different instruments in music. This year I am Head Boy, which is a milestone I wanted to achieve.

Lunches are amazing. We have all sorts of food from meatballs to gammon, from tacos to sausages. You can also have soup, and there is a cold section with salad and cold meat, pasta and cheese. There is always a vegetarian option. Puddings are delicious. There is jelly, chocolate brownie, chocolate custard, ice cream, biscuits, tarts and massive jammy dodgers. Then there is Pancake Day!

This year, I am looking forward to our Isle of Wight trip. In Form 4, we went to Warwick Castle to learn about medieval life.

I like my friends and along with the teachers they make the school very welcoming. I also have a sister in Form 2, and she loves school as much as me.

I can’t believe my time at Eversfield is nearly over. I hope to go to Warwick School or Stratford Grammar. I have treasured every moment of my time here.