Computing Suite
Computing Suite
Our Computing Suite is used by Forms 1 to 6 for the weekly lessons in Computing skills. Each pupil is able to complete work independently on their own work station. Children in Forms 1 and 2 create talking books and videos of themselves for their cooking show. They look at and use simulations, as well as understanding what algorithms are and simple programming.
In Upper School, topics covered include (in Form 3) animation, creating and editing videos, (in Form 4) writing wikis, designing travel guides and producing digital music, (in Form 5) digital photography, blogs, programming and developing games, (in Form 6) designing and building apps, editing their own year book and writing computer code.
The Computing Suite is also used by subject teachers for topic work when requiring internet research, typing up documents, creating graphs and tables, PowerPoint presentations and video. In addition school laptops and iPads are available for use in the classrooms which link to the wireless networks around School.
The Early Years Department use the computers, iPads and interactive boards in their classrooms along with other equipment to teach the Computing curriculum. Amongst other subject areas, the children will record and play back their own speech, create music experimenting with pitch and sound, use a VLE and video conferencing and use short cuts to navigate the internet.
E-Safety is embedded throughout the curriculum and is taught at multiple points within each of the year groups.
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