I joined Eversfield in Form 1. As soon as I arrived, I was helped out and immediately made lots of friends. I am currently in Form 6 and have achieved my Grade 8 on both piano and violin with a distinction. I study music at the Royal College of Music in London, and the teachers support me with every step I take. I am hoping to pass my 11+ examinations but, with the knowledgeable teachers, I have no doubt I will do that. When I go to senior school and beyond, I will miss Eversfield a lot.
I am a scholar at Eversfield, with a group of others. We meet on Thursdays and discuss fascinating things. I enjoy school trips. I remember my first school trip to Tamworth Castle in Form 1, where we dressed up and learnt about the interesting history. We are going on a school trip to the Isle of Wight. I am really looking forward to that.
My brother joined Eversfield in Nursery, and his friends enjoy playing with him. We do all the subjects I can ever think of, and we also do sponsored events for raising money for charity.
I am in the Eversfield swimming gala team. We train every week in our swimming pool, which is next to the sports hall. Our sports facilities are great, with big cricket nets, hockey pitches and a massive field. Also, I love our nature area, which is teeming with animals. My best experience was when we fished there for newts.