Online Remote Learning

Where the School is forced to close through national directives, it will continue to deliver the School’s curriculum through online provision.

This will consist of lessons set by individual teachers through:

· Seesaw online learning platform and Zoom live lessons.

· Each year group will have a timetable of activities following the planned curriculum across all subjects, beginning at 8.45am and ending at 3.30pm.

· There will be a combination of live lessons and set tasks which all pupils are expected to attend and complete.

Communication between teaching staff, pupils and parents will be maintained through the online platform, email, telephone and Zoom video calls.

A set protocol for pupils and parents to follow whilst using online provision will be sent out along with detailed guidance for the use of online technology and agreed to before participation. The school reserves the right to withdraw any part of the provision for any period of time if this protocol is breached or actions by either pupil or parent are deemed inappropriate by the School.

All matters of safeguarding and child protection shall be reported to the School’s DSL who will follow normal procedures in order to protect children.


School or Year Group Closure due to occurrence of COVID-19

In the event of an outbreak of COVID-19 in the school, appropriate measures will be taken in accordance with the directives of Health England. This may involve closing a part of the School and sending certain pupils and staff home. In this instance online learning for those pupils will resume.


Individual self-isolation due to COVID-19

In the event of individuals self-isolating, teachers will do their best to supply some work online but will not be able to maintain the levels of online work in place during school closure as they will also be teaching full-time in school.



Online work will not be set for pupils who are absent due to normal incidents of illness or other authorised absence.