Life in Upper School (Forms 4 to Forms 6)
Life in Upper School (Forms 4 to Forms 6)
Upper School is all about the joy of expanding horizons and discovery of interests, passions and talents. Children are challenged, stimulated and have the opportunity to experience more significant leadership roles.
Lessons are taught by our team of talented subject specialists, enabling a greater depth of study. Personalised ability-based setting is introduced for Maths and English, and the broad curriculum continues with pupils being offered the opportunity to represent the school in sport in some way. Independence is encouraged and a wider range of trips is included to stimulate learning and help pupils become more spiritually, culturally and morally aware.
The curriculum is designed to give a good academic grounding for a successful future education, and in particular to prepare pupils for entrance examinations to the region's leading independent senior schools at the age of 11.
A carefully structured timetable continues to prioritise literacy and numeracy but also allows ample time to study a wide curriculum that includes Science, Humanities, Art, Foreign Languages, Computing, Drama, Sport and Music.
To stretch and challenge more academically able children we run a Scholars Programme, while Learning Support is on hand for those who need extra help. Dedicated Form Tutors get to know each child very well during tutor time, monitoring all round progress and well-being.
In order to promote good study habits, prep (homework) continues to be set every school day.