Encouraging Responsibility
Encouraging Responsibility
We believe that giving children responsibility is the best way to encourage them to care for each other, and there are several opportunities for pupils to build their confidence and assume responsibility.
We have a vibrant School Council. In Forms 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 one pupil per class is voted onto the Council and it is their job to represent the views of all pupils in their Form. They meet with teachers regularly to agree what improvements can be made at school, and members vote and decide what fund-raising events will be held each year.
Form 6 pupils are paired with a Reception buddy whom they support throughout the year. The buddy programme allows the Reception children to quickly feel part of the Eversfield family and offers strong role models to learn from.
In Form 6 children also have the opportunity to assume greater responsibility through our House System which has two Captains who are voted into position by their peers, and appointments of Head Boy and Head Girl are made who have a very active role in leading school life.
Children also carry out duties within their forms, such as collecting homework and delivering registers, which encourage collective responsibility for looking after each other and the School.