Supporting the Gift of Life with FastAid

It’s official. This morning, in a special whole-school assembly, FastAid the life-saving emergency community responder scheme, was unveiled as our beneficiary school charity for 2023-2024.

The charity recruits and equips Community First Responders (CFRs) throughout Solihull and Birmingham. The CFRs are all volunteers, trained to nationally recognised standards and despatched to 999 emergency calls by the West Midlands Ambulance Service along with an ambulance as soon as one is available.

Being local they can be on the scene quickly to start lifesaving treatment, begin clinical care and provide reassurance before the ambulance arrives. Annually their volunteer CFRs attend over 2,000 999 calls and are first on scene in 90% of incidents.


#Solihull is the busiest area the charity serves

#Two scheme cars serve central Solihull area

#Both cars are the most called upon in the whole of the West Midlands Ambulance Service

#In 90% of incidents FastAid are first on the scene to offer lifesaving support

#In the last 12 months attended 1,200 incidents

#Supports community groups with First Aid cover at local events

#Takes care of defibrillators which are in public places

#Offers free training teaching CPR, use of defibrillators and ‘what to do if’ scenarios

#Trains 1,000s of school children as part of the global Kid Saves Lives initiative to train youngsters CPR in school to substantially improve bystander CPR-rates.

#Awarded Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service


What Difference will Eversfield’s Fundraising Make?

>Help fund the running of two cars in Solihull for 12 months

>Help maintain and renew lifesaving equipment

>Recruit more volunteers

>Help raise awareness and support of the work of the charity within the Solihull community

>Save more lives


Click here to find out more about the work of the charity.

We are looking forward to developing our bonds with FastAid and supporting their lifesaving work within the community.