A Prayer for Harvest by Form 1 (1RG)

The children in Form 1 (1RG) have been thinking about Harvest Festival this week. They have discussed what it is and the different things people do to celebrate. They thought carefully about the charitable aspect of the festival and how lucky we are in our lives to have plenty of all the things we need.

The children have been encouraged to be empathetic and consider other people who do not have the things that we take for granted.



Dear God,

Thank you for the seeds, the sun and the rain to help the crops grow strong.

Thank you for the Farmers for looking after the crops and helping them grow. Thank you for the bakers for making our bread.

Thank you God for making us so lucky; for food to eat, for our houses, for our money and comforts and for our good health.

Please help other people who are not as lucky as us. Help them to get some money, some food and somewhere safe to stay.
