Oracy in Action
We take great pride in how our pupils articulate themselves and can hold a conversation with meaning and understanding. The skill of being able to speak clearly and with authority does not just happen. There are many influences on the language and manner in which children learn to speak so it is important that our contribution adds quality.
Eversfield has recently focused on directly identifying our role, through analysing opportunities within our curriculum and linking this to recent research. Our approach is based upon teaching oracy skills from Kindergarten through to Form 6, developing four main strands; physical oracy, linguistic oracy, social and emotional oracy and cognitive oracy. After conducting an action research project, our Director of Teaching & Learning (Miss Murphy) collaborated with teaching staff to extract these strands from within all subject areas, creating discrete oracy learning objectives. What makes Eversfield unique is the way that oracy skill learning is embedded within philosophy (Mrs Burnett) and our code of conduct, CARE (Mrs Sliney) throughout the school. From paired and group learning, through to performance and public speaking, oracy skills development begins in Kindergarten and is embedded throughout the curriculum for all year groups.
Click here to discover more about Oracy in Action at Eversfield.