Festival of Literature
The whole school have been celebrating literature in exciting and ingenious ways.
Reception reunited virtually via Zoom for a ‘Share a Story Live’ and enjoyed their ‘Share a Snap’ activity swapping photos of themselves dressed up as their favourite fictional characters, while staff and children in Kindergarten and Nursery were all dressed to impress and enjoyed sharing their favourite books with each other.
In Middle School Form 1 have been looking at character profiles and discussing how you identify traits of 'goodies and baddies' in literature, and writing a character profile for a new goodie to feature n their favourite book.
Form 2 enjoyed a live virtual visit from Nathan Bryon and Dapo Adeola, author and illustrator of LOOK UP! and CLEAN UP! Nathan and Dapo told them about their debut book before hosting a draw-along of Luna the cat from the story.
Form 3 considered ‘What sort of information goes on the front and back covers of a book?’ and took on the challenge to design their own book jacket for ‘Little Boat’ – imagining it was a book rather than a film.
In Upper School Forms 4, 5 and 6 heard from Michael Rosen and Benjamin Zephaniah sharing their poems and talking about poetry, and then chose a poem of their own to recite, delivering some dramatic and very interesting performances.