Eversfield Review 2019 - 2020
This year has turned out to be a rather memorable one but not for the right reasons. You could call it the Year of the Pandemic or even the beginning of a new era. Our world has been changed as a result of a microscopic virus that has wreaked havoc across the globe. Schools were shut as the Government implemented a lockdown and children and their families were quarantined in their homes. Eversfield became a virtual online learning school, thanks to the rapid upskilling of our teachers and pupils, and parents got unprecedented access to their child’s work.
The interaction between parents and children was a positive gain out of the restrictions but the pupils missed so much of their usual co-curricular activities, events and social interaction. Despite our programme being severely restricted, we did manage to give every child the opportunity to return to school before the summer holidays. Thanks to the bravery and dedication of all the staff who were prepared to work unprotected and spend so much preparation time to ensure the school was as safe as possible, many pupils returned full-time from 1st June.
There are reflections in this magazine of the limited activities that were possible this year but also of the vast and varied opportunities still made available and the successes and achievements made by all our pupils.
Mr Robert A Yates
Please click here to read the latest copy of our Review 2019-2020