Meet our Peripatetic Music Team: Registration for Lessons Open
This is the time of year where we normally invite children from From 1 to 5 who would like to sing or play a musical instrument to attend a trial before lessons start in September. We are having to do things a little differently this year.
We are fortunate to have a large and enthusiastic team of peripatetic staff at Eversfield who visit us each week to teach a wide range of instruments and singing. Almost 150 children have attended weekly lessons this academic year learning a range of instruments including brass, woodwind, string, percussion and vocal skills.
Follow this link to meet and listen to some of the peripatetic music team and contact the school office for a registration form to sign up for lessons.
Mrs Creaton – Flute
Mr Gill – Piano
Miss Green – Violin and Viola
Miss Lamplough – Clarinet and Saxaphone
Mr Nowland – cello
Mr Phillips – Guitar
Mr Poultney – Piano
Miss Roper – Horn, Trombone and Trumpet
Mr Spall – Drums
Mr Wynne - Singing